
Dr Hannah Yip is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the University of Manchester (2022–25). Her research interests centre on the cultural and emotional lives of clergymen in the English Reformation. Her publications include ‘What was a Homily in Post-Reformation England?’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 72.1 (2021), 53–70, and ‘The Familial Afterlives of Parochial Sermons in Early Modern England’, Reformation, 27.2 (2022), 125–40

Dr Thomas Clifton is a Lecturer in Academic Writing at Coventry University. He was awarded his AHRC-funded PhD in English Literature at the University of Birmingham, UK, in 2022. His research interests include late seventeenth-century meditational and devotional poetry and prose.

CONTACT: earlymodernloneliness [at] gmail [dot] com
